{Cafe Crush} Double Roasters, Marrickville

Double Roasters is one of the latest cafes to grace the burgeoning Marrickville cafe scene, already home to SMH’s cafe of the year Coffee Alchemy, a Bourke Street Bakery outlet, kid friendly Post Cafe and a gazillion others.

Double Roasters has it’s own brand of coffee roasted on-site, and features exposed beams and industrial chic decor. The crowd is a typical inner-west mix of 20 to 40 something hipsters, students and families. On the plus side, the brunch and lunch offerings are simple and delicious and generally under $10, with most hitting the very purse friendly $7.50 mark. The coffee is delicious and smooth, albeit mild in flavour.

On the downside there are no highchairs for the hipster babies (though there are colouring books – tick) and the service can be a little erratic when they’re busy. All is forgiven though for luscious poached eggs and sauted mushrooms totally hitting the Sunday brunch-lusting spot. Bonus points for big bunches of hydrangeas and cool industrial light pendants – think Doug up on Bourke, with coffee and food.

Double Roasters, 199 Victoria Rd, Marrickville, tel: 02 9572 7711, www.doubleroasters.com

Double Roasters on Urbanspoon


4 Responses

  1. Flora Moreno de Thompson December 28, 2011 / 3:41 pm

    This has nothing to do with this post, but I just wanted to say how much I love your blog’s header. So simple, but so pretty.

    Have a happy New Year!

  2. devoured December 29, 2011 / 8:51 pm

    Thanks Flora! Actually your blog has a great, clean layout too, I love it! Happy new year!

  3. b and e January 13, 2012 / 3:15 pm

    Okay, now I want to go to marrickville. I know of a few reasons (shops and cafes, oh and op shops) however now I’m sying to go!
    i think checking your blog may be damaging to my wallet!


  4. devoured January 13, 2012 / 5:37 pm

    Thanks B – yes Marrickville’s pretty great, lots of good cafes and Vietnamese food too. And there’s the Marrickville Markets on Sundays… all worth checking out!

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