{Cafe Crush} Trung Nguyen, Hanoi

I’ve mentioned how much I love Vietnamese coffee brand Trung Nguyen before (no, they’re not paying me!), but this time, it’s their coffee plus a gorgeous leafy setting that equals my first TN cafe crush.

In the vicinity of Hanoi’s Ho Chi Minh Mausoluem, this Trung Nguyen outpost is the perfect spot for a sweet and strong Vietnamese dripper coffee – their Legendee variety of course – while (unbelievably) breathing fresh air and escaping the city’s noise. There’s a cool indoor section with arched bamboo walls, but my pick is the outdoor part amongst the tropical plants and fishpond – Hanoi cafe heaven!

Go for: an iced coffee with milk (make sure its Legendee), and a completely different Hanoi cafe experience

Not for: the snappiest of service – something about the relaxed ambience?!

Trung Nguyen, 36 Dien Bien Phu, Hanoi

4 Responses

  1. A Lady's Life May 13, 2010 / 5:51 pm

    sounds like a nice cool drink for summer
    but I was sure most Chinese people love lot drinks. Great fir digestion and to wash away fat.

  2. Catherine May 14, 2010 / 1:15 am

    I love idling away time in cafes and this one looks lovely – especially like that last shot ( if only I liked coffee!!)

  3. Cate May 14, 2010 / 8:12 pm

    Cool cup, the handle looks a little hard to hold but it does look good.

  4. A Girl in Asia May 18, 2010 / 12:43 pm

    A Lady’s Life – not sure about Chinese but Vietnamese definitely like their iced coffees, particularly in the hot season (as do I!)

    Catherine – thanks, it was lovely!

    Cate – I see what you mean, it’s a bit of a weird design but the coffee was great nonetheless!

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